그동안 잠잠하던 아이팟과 아이폰의 펌웨어가 2.2.1로 업데이트 되었습니다. 현재 아이튠즈를 통해 업데이트가 가능하며 자세한 업데이트 내용은 아직 공개되지 않은 것으로 보입니다.

아이튠즈와 연결하면 수동 모드가 아닌 경우 자동으로 소프트웨어 업그레이드가 진행됩니다.

용량이 제법 큰 것으로 봐서는 작은 업데이트는 아닌 것으로 보이는데 요즘 데브팀의 2세대 해킹이 막바지에 다다르면서 이에 대한 애플의 반격이라는 소문도 웹 상에는 나돌고 있습니다.

얼마 전 올라온 2.2.1 업데이트에 대한 정보를 살펴보면

iPhone/iPod Touch Firmware 2.2.1 Features Revealed!

After many months of speculation as to what Apple will include in their newest software update, it seems that will yet again not deliver what their customers ask for.
Just a few days ago, it was disclosed that the 2.2.1 software for the iPhone and iPod Touch family of devices was in the final stages of testing. It is said to be released in the next few weeks. Also disclosed, was some of the new features that were to be included with it. Many of the details are vague, but essentially the 2.2.1 update doesn’t add much. Several bug fixes that most people won’t even notice have been added, such as the unusual slow syncing with Windows PC’s that are present in certain unusual configurations. There are slight changes to the text messaging interface as well as additional new e-mail support options that have been added for corporate users. There is also a new option being tested that would permit all e-mail messages to be deleted at once instead of the need to select them individually. In the 2.3 release, which has a release date that is unknown, you will be able to sync to iTunes via Bluetooth.

큰 변화는 없어보이는데 일단 동기화 속도가 빨라진다는 점과 SMS의 개선 정도만 보이는데 자세한 것은 오후 정도가 되어봐야 알 것 같습니다.

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